Monday, 22 August 2011


Many Malaysians do not know that part of the Islamic Family Laws that are supposed to be Syariah Complaint which are in force in this country are actually plagiarized from the British Law. Without realizing it, millions of Muslims in Malaysia have been duped into thinking that somehow all the so called Islamic Family Laws are super duper and heavenly and this and that. Let me give you an example: The Islamic Family Law which Muslims use  in Syariah courts is actually borrowed from the western law. One area that you can check is Section 76 of the Marriage and Divorce Act, which is now reworded and is now Syariah Compliant! What a turn of events!  The point to be made is why create purported religious laws by borrowing from laws which are deemed to be Undang-Undang Kristian when there are Quran verses that are very clear on details about Family Law! This is a typical fate of many islamic countries. They have inherited workable system from their colonial masters, then to overcome the weaknesses in implementing those systems, they have started creating newer religion based on the systems that are flawed from the beginning. Double whammy! This is a clear cut example of what we practice as religion cannot be found in the Quran!

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